Our Georgia Commitment: Stephanie and Chad Powell
Through expansive volunteering and philanthropy, Stephanie (BSED ’94, MED ’97, EDS ’99) and Chad (AB ’98) Powell have seen the promising future of the University of Georgia. It’s a future that will include their three children, Georgia, Kate, and Bo, who will join their parents as Bulldogs on campus this fall either as full-time students or through dual enrollment.

The Powell family celebrates the Bulldogs winning the NCAA National Championship.
“Having our children attend UGA is a dream come true for our family and really cements the foundation we have been building for a number of years,” Chad says.
He is the president and owner of Joe Powell and Associates, a 52-year-old, second-generation business that has been honored as a Bulldog 100 company. By hiring and training students through internships and employment with his company, he speaks to the heart of mentorship between alumni and students.
“The university has always been there for us,” Stephanie says. “It’s a big part of who we are as a family. It provided a wonderful experience for us, and it has shaped who we are.”
As a former scholarship recipient herself, Stephanie knows firsthand the impact financial support can have on students at the university.
“The scholarship I received helped me so much, and I have made sure to give back to it each year,” she says.
The couple serves UGA as members of the Parents Leadership Council and the UGA Athletic Association’s Magill Society. They created an endowment that provides a scholarship to a student-athlete on the football team each year and have made gifts to support the development of leaders in the UGA Greek community.

Stephanie and Chad Powell are among UGA’s most loyal supporters, giving their time and their financial support to academic and athletic pursuits at their alma mater.
They ensure their children understand the power of philanthropy as well. For the past few years, the kids have selected a fund to support on UGA’s annual Dawg Day of Giving. Chad and Stephanie’s commitment to the university goes beyond donations to the causes they’re passionate about. They also stress the importance of service, as Stephanie serves on the executive committee for Georgia Women Give and is a past member of the UGA Alumni Board of Directors.
Both Chad and Stephanie have given countless hours to helping students succeed on campus through speaking engagements, volunteering, and giving, which speaks to the heart of who the Powell family is.
“Many people think they have to give a lot of money to really make an impact,” Stephanie says. “I keep saying that everyone has something to give, whether it’s $5 or five hours, just give where you can.”
What are you passionate about? Giving back to UGA in a related area is as easy as exploring the myriad funds across campus.