Calling All Emerald Coast Alumni
Help reduce campus hunger
The Emerald Coast Chapter is on a mission to help reduce campus hunger at UGA by calling on its alumni to make a gift to Let All the Big Dawgs Eat Meal Plan Scholarship. By reaching our goal of $4,444, one deserving student will be awarded a meal plan scholarship that will last the full academic year.
The Let All the Big Dawgs Eat Meal Plan Scholarship Initiative is a need-based scholarship that awards meal plans to University of Georgia students each fall, spring, and summer semesters.
Founded in 2014, LATBDE helps address the food insecurity crisis at UGA. The scholarship allows students to concentrate on academic success without the worry of securing their next meal.
Funding for this scholarship comes from private donors, the UGA Foundation, and UGA parents and families. 100% of the donations go to students’ meal plan scholarships.
The Emerald Coast Alumni Chapter is challenging all Dawgs in the region to get us to our $4,444 goal and support the next generation of Bulldogs!
Will you answer the call?
Gifts made to this campaign today through March 27 will also count as gifts towards the fourth annual Dawg Day of Giving — UGA’s 24-hour day of giving where Bulldogs around the world come together to help UGA build a better tomorrow for our community, our state and our world.
Make your mobile gift easier with Venmo, PayPal or Apple Pay.