stomp out your carbon footprint on globe on a variety of photos with students

Stomp Out Your Carbon Pawprint


The average American’s carbon footprint weighs in at a whopping 16 tons per year. It’s true. Our daily activities contribute to climate change, but we can still play a part in protecting our ecosystems for future generations.

In addition to making informed choices about how you live and consume resources, you can leave a lighter mark on the planet by rallying behind the carbon-cutting Eco Dawgs at the Odum School of Ecology!


UGA’s emerging leaders in sustainability stomp out tomorrow’s carbon problems by putting communities first, today. Our sustainability efforts include:

  • Determining how to manage plants and soils to sequester carbon.
  • Increasing biodiversity by restoring habitats and protecting native species.
  • Collaborating with industry to achieve net-zero and ESG sustainability goals.
  • Analyzing data to predict emerging disease within human and animal populations.

With your support, we can provide our students with experiences that teach them to make a difference through community science, industry partnerships and local engagement.

Join us in celebrating Earth Day by helping us raise $1,600 for the Sustainability Support Fund in Ecology. Stomp out your carbon pawprint and create a world where every step we take leaves behind a brighter future.