collage of Zeta Tau Alpha photos

Celebrate 75 years of Zeta at UGA

Help establish the Zeta Tau Alpha Sunshine Fund

Let’s make a mark in honor of this significant milestone – 75 years of Zeta at UGA!  To honor our special group far beyond this anniversary weekend, we are working to establish a Zeta Tau Alpha Sunshine Fund at UGA. The original UGA Sunshine Fund was established by UGA parents a few years ago who realized there was a huge need for students to have accessible mental health and overall well-being support during their college years. This fund is administered by the Student Care and Outreach Office in the Division of Student Affairs. ZTA would be the first Panhellenic group to establish such a fund for students.

Make your gift today to help us reach the goal of $75,000 to celebrate 75 years of ZTA at UGA by November 1, 2024.